cover image: IUCN Rio Doce Panel


IUCN Rio Doce Panel

28 May 2024

The Fundão disaster in 2015 was one of the biggest environmental disasters in Brazil’s history. The collapse of the dam near the city of Mariana released around 39 million m3 of tailings, which travelled 670 km to reach the Atlantic Ocean. Along the way, the tailings resulted in 19 deaths, devastated ecosystems and disrupted the livelihoods of thousands of people. In support of restoration activities, IUCN established the Rio Doce Panel, an Independent Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (ISTAP) with the mission to provide expert advice in a range of areas. Composed of renowned national and international scientists, the Panel served from 2017 to 2022. This report describes the work of the Panel and its long-term influences and impacts.
mining conservation biodiversity conservation biodiversity brazil environmental monitoring environmental impacts brazil, rio doce


Viana, Frederico Campos

Broad subject
Call number
IUCN-2024-003, En
Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2024
Physical Description
vii, 28p. : ill.
Published in
IUCN Enterprise and Investment Team

Table of Contents

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