cover image: Is Driving in California Subsidized?


Is Driving in California Subsidized?

16 Jul 2024

Like many other fiscal conservatives, I often criticize the large and growing government subsidies to transit. The very active transit advocacy community on X often responds: "How about government subsidies to driving?" Although the initial reaction might be "What subsidies?" the issue is worth investigating because road financing in the US is complex. And if the cost of road infrastructure is not, in fact, fully covered by the various taxes and fees drivers pay, it is worth questioning the resulting subsidy to drivers. Subsidizing any form of transportation raises both normative and efficiency issues. Compelling taxpayers to finance mobility is unfair to those who prefer to stay close to home and increases such negative externalities as pollution and congestion. With the advent of the internet and smartphones, many tasks that used to require travel (including getting to work) can often be performed from home.
trade policy education banking and finance regulation criminal justice monetary policy constitutional law immigration transportation public opinion health care tax and budget policy government and politics technology and privacy free speech and civil liberties poverty and social welfare global freedom defense and foreign policy


Marc Joffe

Published in
United States of America

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