cover image: Mozambique - EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA- P163989- Mozambique Urban Development and Decentralization Project - Procurement Plan (English)


Mozambique - EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA- P163989- Mozambique Urban Development and Decentralization Project - Procurement Plan (English)

17 Jul 2024

climate change mitigation mozambique adaptation gender public administration urban planning fiscal policy urban development disease control economic policy municipal finance public expenditure management sub-national government public finance management pandemic response urban and rural development human development and gender public sector management municipal institution building urban infrastructure and service delivery central government central agencies eastern and southern africa environment and natural resource management subnational fiscal policies


Da Cruz,Adelino Jaime

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Mozambique - EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA- P163989- Mozambique Urban Development and Decentralization Project - Procurement Plan
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
MZ-Mozambique Urban Development And Decentralization Project -- P163989
TF No/Name
TF0A7428-Mozambique - Strengthening the Quality of Municipal Infrastructure in M
Unit Owning
Urban DRM AFR East and South 2 (IAEU2)
Version Type

Table of Contents

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