cover image: Water  Peace, and the Future:

Water Peace, and the Future:

22 Jul 2024

Water Peace, and the Future: An Interconnected Journey Water is the essence of life, vital for the sur- vival of humans, animals, and plants. [...] The rela- tionship between water, peace, and the futu- Ensuring that future generations have re is profound and intertwined, necessitating access to clean and sufficient water is a holistic approach to ensure a sustainable one of the most significant responsibili- and harmonious world. [...] ments, risk management provisions for possib- le health and environmental risks, and ensures The Water Reuse Regulation (WRR) will increa- transparency, so that key information about se the trust of consumers and farmers in this cir- any water reuse project will be available to the cular approach to the use of water, ensuring it is public. [...] This new Regulation requires that urban was- tewater, which has already been treated in accor- dance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Di- The Member States have been preparing for rective (UWWTD), is further treated to meet the the application of the new rules, with many minimum quality standards of the Regulation to choosing to integrate the new rules into rele- be suitable for agricultural us. [...] of Statistics, residents' water share decreased by 97% The future during the war, with 40% of water networks destroyed and the occupation controlling 85% of water sources.



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