Given the relative size of the Seychelle’s economy, as well as the historical stagnation of the manufacturing sector and the relative growth of the services sector, a key consideration therefore is identifying those sectors of the economy and occupations that that will provide employment to new entrants in sectors of relatively higher value- added. [...] This is the ratio of the percentage change in the share of employment to the overall change in employment over the period (share of change in employment). [...] Each of the bubbles in the figure represents a sector, while the size of the bubbles indicates the relative size of employment in that sector in the base year: 2011. [...] The log(W90-W10) is an indicator for the degree of spread across the outer segments of the wage distribution, while log(W90-W50) and log(W50-W10) indicate the spread at the top-half and bottom-half of the earnings distribution, respectively. [...] Therefore, if for example the log(W90-W50) is greater than the log(W50-W10), the result would indicate a greater degree of inequality in the top half relative to the bottom half of the wage distribution in the Seychelles.
- Pages
- 61
- Published in
- Rondebosch, South Africa