cover image: SCORE CARD - MAY 2014



Section one contains the introduction which highlights the background to the development of the EAC food security action plan and the constraints in achieving food security in the EAC. [...] Major efforts have been made in the recent years to improve the road transport infrastructure and operations and these are beginning to be successful, however, much of the network remains in an unsatisfactory condition leading to loss of access and mobility and high transport costs especially to smallholder farmers in the rural areas and fisher folk along the beaches 1.1.1 (a Inadequate funding of. [...] 2.1.1 (a Remoteness of some of the landing sites and the inadequate transportation infrastructure that were found to impose severe constraints on the implementation and enforcement of the fishing legislation on Lake Victoria 2.1.1 (b Enhance capacity of the BMU in the remote areas to effectively implement and enforce the fishing legislation 15 | P a g e 2.2 Implementation of Fisheries management P. [...] 1 (a Existence of several community institutions within the landing sites, with different and often conflicting interests undermining the existence of the BMUs 2.4.1 (b The institutions charged with the responsibility of institutionalizing BMUs, as well as the BMUs themselves, should endeavour to improve the low understanding of co- management among the different stakeholders, including the roles. [...] Some of the measures include: Development of the Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT), a partnership between the government and the private sector Development of a policy and legislation for private/public partnerships (PPPs) Tanzania Agricultural Bank – started by the government and provides lending to private sector at moderate interest rate (5%) Despite the above Government.
Published in
Kampala, Uganda