cover image: REDD+ and other sectors in East Africa: - opportunities for cross-sectoral implementation - Kimbowa Richard; David M. Mwayafu, (Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development), and Gerald Kairu


REDD+ and other sectors in East Africa: - opportunities for cross-sectoral implementation - Kimbowa Richard; David M. Mwayafu, (Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development), and Gerald Kairu

Agriculture and food security The primary mission of the draft National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya (GoK, 2004) is to “ensure co-ordinated, efficient and effective utilization of natural resources.” The main objective of this draft Policy is to improve the standard of living of the population of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) (See Box 4 below) by ap. [...] It is com- prised of Permanent Secretaries from 13 ministries: the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Coopera- tives, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Ministry of Lands Housing and Settlements, the Min- istry of Agricultu. [...] The draft REDD+ Strategy is closely linked to the current national growth and development strategies such as the National Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme (MKUKUTA), the National For- est Programme and other strategies which contribute to effective conservation and utilization of Tanzania’s natural and renewable resources and improving the livelihoods of its people. [...] The Ministry’s responsibilities will be to supervise, co-ordinate and report on the progress of preparing the REDD+ Strategy, to ensure that the R-PP budget is reflected in the lead and sectoral ministry’s plans, budgets and accounts, to facilitate the integration of REDD+ Strategies and actions into the plans and budgets of implementing agencies, and to convene the REDD+ Steering Committee (RSC). [...] The role of the task forces will be to design and provide oversight to the strategies corresponding to the themes, provide specialist input into the preparation of REDD+ Strategy and facilitate technical level coordination and the sharing of infor- mation within institutions.
Published in
Kampala, Uganda