Agriculture and food security The primary mission of the draft National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya (GoK, 2004) is to “ensure co-ordinated, efficient and effective utilization of natural resources.” The main objective of this draft Policy is to improve the standard of living of the population of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) (See Box 4 below) by ap. [...] It is com- prised of Permanent Secretaries from 13 ministries: the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Coopera- tives, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Ministry of Lands Housing and Settlements, the Min- istry of Agricultu. [...] The draft REDD+ Strategy is closely linked to the current national growth and development strategies such as the National Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Programme (MKUKUTA), the National For- est Programme and other strategies which contribute to effective conservation and utilization of Tanzania’s natural and renewable resources and improving the livelihoods of its people. [...] The Ministry’s responsibilities will be to supervise, co-ordinate and report on the progress of preparing the REDD+ Strategy, to ensure that the R-PP budget is reflected in the lead and sectoral ministry’s plans, budgets and accounts, to facilitate the integration of REDD+ Strategies and actions into the plans and budgets of implementing agencies, and to convene the REDD+ Steering Committee (RSC). [...] The role of the task forces will be to design and provide oversight to the strategies corresponding to the themes, provide specialist input into the preparation of REDD+ Strategy and facilitate technical level coordination and the sharing of infor- mation within institutions.