cover image: Diary - Of Folklore and Legends - 5 to 18 May 2024

Diary - Of Folklore and Legends - 5 to 18 May 2024

26 Jun 2024

3 to 9 April 2024 A seat of learning, replete with the beauty and architectural splendour of the Middle Ages, Oxford has nevertheless been The exhibition showcased Sipra Dattagupta’s works inspired assessed as the murder capital of medieval England, with by the description of the university town of Oxford by the the homicide rate of the city being five times that of 14th- 2 century London or York!. [...] the saffron and yellow flooring of the corridor, the row of ARUNA BHOWMICK flowers on the left of the passage and even the small seating A Musical Segue for nurturing talent, and Mumbai was where Bollywood EXHIBITION: From New Orleans to Bombay: The incorporated jazz Journey of Jazz in India to enrich its ‘filmi music’. [...] explored the tripartite cooperation between the Nawab of Unfortunately, as the Lancashire trade assumed importance, Cambay, the Marathas and the East India Company along Cambay cottons were forgotten, private traders continued the central axis of the then acclaimed Cambay cotton cloth to levy heavy duties and even the Nawab, whose between the years 1736–1818. [...] academics, outlined the workings of and dismantling of Their complicity in the promotion of constricted values from the ‘hegemony’ of social elites as the path to democratic the ‘Indian tradition’ is deeply problematic. [...] He emphasised the The discussion that followed Desarda’s presentation need for organic farming to address the adverse effects of highlighted the complexity of the issue and the necessity chemical and industrial agriculture on soil and water.
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