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Botswana Climate Variability and Change: Understanding the Risks

Change in the frequency of the SPI 5 month drought indicator, using the inmcm30_sresA2 GCM scenario, for the period 2080-2100. [...] The discussions with Department of Environmental Affairs, the Botswana government and UNDP-financed ESP program (completed earlier this year), the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, the Office of the President and World Bank staff engaged in policy and operational dialogue with Botswana relating to management and development of water resources, tourism, energy and macro-economic managem. [...] Increased water consumption in the mining sector is a result of the expansion of the sector. [...] Moreover, in March 2009, flash floods struck in the Ngamiland District at the beginning part of the Okavango Delta in the extreme Northwest part of Botswana, near Namibia and Angola. [...] The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and the Palmer Drought Severity index (PDSI) are used to characterize the evolutions of droughts, the peak flood index is used to characterize the evolution of floods and the monthly data analysis to look at both, droughts and floods.
Published in
Gaborone, Botswana