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Natural Resources Management and People - 1 5

The failure of government to effectively manage communal area resources, the lack of local Community Based Natural Resources Management Projects: Balancing Conservation and Development? By Jaap Arntzen Natural Resources Management and People12 resource benefits, and the growing costs to local communities of living with wildlife resources have been instrumental in the promotion of CBNRM in Botswana. [...] As a result, CBNRM in Botswana was introduced partly to address the following: the threat of species extinction due to over utilisation of wildlife resources through poaching; the inability of the central govern- ment to protect its declining wildlife resources; land use conflicts between rural communities living in wildlife areas and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP); and the n. [...] Causes of Negative Attitudes Towards Wildlife Conservation The attitudes and perceptions of people in the Ngamiland District were largely negative towards wildlife conservation before the establishment of the CBNRM programme in the District in the late 1990s. [...] In addition, some of the villages have used funds from CBNRM to meet the needs of the poor and needy in the village. [...] The 2001 survey sampled the villages of Khwai, Seronga and Ditshiping, and found that about 60.9% of the households regarded it as necessary to have wildlife resources in the grasslands and forests of Ngamiland.
Published in
Gaborone, Botswana