cover image: Report - Assessment of forest governance in six Asian countries

Report - Assessment of forest governance in six Asian countries

26 Jun 2024

Staff capable of executing tasks assigned to them, and sufficient financial resources to enable them to do so Good forest governance helps countries optimize the production of forest products and services, enhance the rights and livelihoods of those living in and around forests, and control and reduce deforestation and forest degradation. [...] Specifically, RECOFTC set out to obtain and share an updated understanding of the state of forest governance in the selected countries to: Inform policy-makers, civil society organizations, donors and other stakeholders of the progress and gaps relevant to national biodiversity, development and climate targets Engage stakeholders in bilateral and multi-stakeholder discussions on the state of for. [...] region, and to increase awareness of Lack of public awareness of threats to the the need to address climate change region’s forests and limited consideration and support the achievement of the by consumers of the sources of the forest Sustainable Development Goals. [...] regulations in the environment and forestry The law could increase recognition of the rights and territories of sectors such as ± Indigenous Peoples if they are able to participate in the decision-making Regulation 22 process, but there are concerns about a lowering of environmental (2021) on the standards and the ability of communities to challenge business practices. [...] The biggest area of concern in all six countries related to the capacities of actors throughout supply chains — from smallholders to private companies, small and medium enterprises and national and international traders — to mitigate the risks involved in the production and trade of forest-risk commodities.
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