cover image: BUSINESS MEANS BUSINESS - Why corporates should avoid social activism - Simon Cowan and Emilie Dye

BUSINESS MEANS BUSINESS - Why corporates should avoid social activism - Simon Cowan and Emilie Dye

18 Jul 2024

It’s possible this is simply natural variance in the One of the most important initial steps sample: it was not feasible to match the in understanding corporate activism is to shareholding sample and the employees track the extent to which the three groups sample by company. [...] The align with their stakeholders majority of employees and shareholders particularly well sampled report that the views and actions of the companies they are associated with The next element to be considered is never, or infrequently, align with their own whether the companies’ advocacy and view. [...] the evolving understanding of the role of business is to ask the question Of course, it is worth noting that taking of whose views matter most when a a controversial position, even if it is a business decides to engage in activism. [...] When it comes to corporate activism on The phrasing of the question was designed social causes, the responses are more to reflect the views of the respondents mixed. [...] However, The interesting question is the extent to it is worth noting the smaller sample size which this generational difference has for the Silent Generation as they now more to do with a greater alignment make up a much smaller proportion of the of younger generations with the goals overall population.
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