cover image: Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU : issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia


Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU : issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia


The designation of geographical entities in this publication, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Commission, TRAFFIC or its supporting organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. [...] The criteria for categorization are as follows: 1 Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU: Issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia Category 1 – legislation that is believed to generally meet the requirements for the implementation of CITES. [...] Figure 1 shows the relationship between the numbers of reptile taxa (n=27) present at the nine captive- breeding facilities visited, as reported in the most recent monthly breeding reports submitted by the facilities to the CITES Management Authority (at the time of the survey), versus the numbers recorded during site visits by the TRAFFIC-MoF team in 2006. [...] Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU: Issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia 16 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS While some taxa may in fact be reproducing in Indonesian captive-breeding facilities, due to the observations on numbers present in these facilities, the life history characteristics of the taxa involved, the conditions at the captive-breeding facilities and the statemen [...] There are significant discrepancies between the number of reptile specimens that companies report to the MA, and the number of reptile specimens present at breeding facilities, with on average only about Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU: Issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia 17 one fifth of the reported numbers actually present.
indonesia legislation reptiles captive breeding cites illegal trade trade in wildlife traffic europe report


Nijman, Vincent, Shepherd, Chris R.

Broad subject
Species - trade, including TRAFFIC International
Call number
Cambridge : TRAFFIC Europe and CITES, 2009
Number of copies
Physical Description
v, 22p. : ill.
Published in
TRAFFIC Europe, European Commission, European Union

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