cover image: An assessment of the status of turtles, dugongs and cetaceans in Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park and recommendations for a conservation strategy


An assessment of the status of turtles, dugongs and cetaceans in Mnazi Bay Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park and recommendations for a conservation strategy


These, together with the provision of alternatives to turtle and egg hunting, a campaign to protect nesting beaches and key foraging grounds, research and monitoring and generation of revenue through promotion of turtle-related eco-tourism, would have a significant positive impact on the future of turtles in MBREMP. [...] The thick neck and strong jaws of the Loggerhead turtle (Duvi, Kasa Mtumbi) distinguish it from other species and are used to crush the hard shells of crabs and molluscs, which are its main diet. [...] In June 2001, Tanzania signed up to the Conservation & Management Plan (CMP), as an Annex to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia, developed under the auspices of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). [...] The oil is used as a lubricant in submarines and spermaceti, a semi liquid waxy oil found in the head, was used in the 18th and 19th centuries to make candles. [...] Information on the status of turtles in MBREMP and the level of exploitation will enable MBREMP to improve turtle conservation efforts in the area and contribute to their wider conservation nationally and in the region.
marine protected areas tanzania protected areas nature conservation cetaceans conservation strategies marine turtles dugongs


Muir, C. E.

Broad subject
Call number
Nairobi : IUCN EARO, 2004
Number of copies
Physical Description
vi, 59p. : ill., maps
Published in
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa, UNDP, Global Environment Facility (GEF)

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