cover image: Status of coral reefs of the world : 2004. Vol. 1


Status of coral reefs of the world : 2004. Vol. 1


This report was written to provide an overview, without the use of scientific jargon, of the status of coral reefs and causes of reef decline, with recommendations for action by national authorities. This second edition is a major expansion and improvement on the first edition written in 1998.
coral reefs state of the environment reports


Wilkinson, Clive R.

Broad subject
Ecosystems - marine
Call number
IUCN-2004-074, v.1
Townsville, AU : AIMS, 2004
Number of copies
Physical Description
xiii, 301p. : maps
Published in
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), AU, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), UK, UNEP, IUCN, World Bank, Environment Department, WorldFish Center, MY, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat


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