cover image: The Enduring Threat of Self-Radicalisation Amid the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War

The Enduring Threat of Self-Radicalisation Amid the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War

18 Jul 2024

The Enduring Threat of Self-Radicalisation Amid the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War By Mohamed Bin Ali and Vaishnavi Devarajan SYNOPSIS The recent arrest of two individuals under the Internal Security Act (ISA) signals that Singapore is continuing to battle with the threat of self-radicalisation related to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. [...] The recent cases of self-radicalised Singaporeans and the terrorist attack on the police station in Ulu Tiram, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, are reminders of the threat. [...] The Israel- Hamas war and its humanitarian impacts could increase the number of sympathisers for the extremists and potentially divide multi-religious Singapore into an “Us” versus “Them” society. [...] Although senior leaders of JI recently announced the dissolution of the group, extremists may still take advantage of ethno-religious-centric conflicts like the Israel-Hamas war to incite hatred and hostility. [...] Remaining Vigilant The threat of radicalisation that is attributable to the Israel-Hamas war is not peculiar to Singapore.


Janet Fung

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