cover image: ANMF Response to the NMBA Factsheet: Maternal, child and family health nurses

ANMF Response to the NMBA Factsheet: Maternal, child and family health nurses

17 Jul 2024

3 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation / Submission title Purpose The NMBA has stated that the purpose of the project was to “identify if there were any risks to the health and safety of the public”. [...] Taking these aspects into account, it is the position of the ANMF that the development of the Fact Sheet was unnecessary and does not add value to the suite of regulatory documents to guide nursing and midwifery practice. [...] Consequently, the evidence used to support the development of the Fact Sheet and inform the recommendations within lacks transparency and credibility. [...] Is the variation in postgraduate MCFH programs resulting in a risk to the public or impacting on the quality of education required for nurses and midwives to meet the inherent requirements of MCFH role? Without the evidence no actions can be taken to address this issue or assess the extent to which there is an issue to be addressed. [...] Due to a lack of transparency, consultation and consistency the ANMF strongly recommend the Fact Sheet is withdrawn and existing regulatory processes, including standards of practice and scope of practice obligations, are allowed to continue to provide the basis for nurses and midwives to determine the suitability of their chosen or proposed context of practice.


Emily Di Giovanni

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