cover image: Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2022-2023

16 Jul 2024

This may mean the APC seeks further information Adjudication “Panel Chair” or an independent, suitably from the complainant or a response from the publication, qualified individual appointed by the Council (with sufficient contacts the subject of the article (where that person is skills and experience and a significant connection to the not the complainant) or explores with the complainant and Cou. [...] The Council Secretariat considered that the removal of quotes taken The complaint concerned the comments associated with from the eulogy sufficiently remedied the complaint. [...] The complainant contacted the Press Council to express In response, the publication said once the comments were concern with the accuracy of the publication’s article brought to its attention, it took immediate steps to remove regarding the outcome of her defamation claim. [...] In response, the publication said it is clear from the article that the reason the proceedings were dismissed was the deficiencies in the complainant’s Concerns Notice and not because the complainant successfully defended the claim. [...] To resolve the matter the publication agreed to add an Editor’s Note at the bottom of the article clarifying that the complainant lost the defamation proceedings on procedural grounds and the complainant had denied the substance of the comments that led to the defamation claim.
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