cover image: PUBLIC POLICY BLOG - The inclusion of people with - disabilities in voting during

PUBLIC POLICY BLOG - The inclusion of people with - disabilities in voting during

24 Jun 2024

It project in the National Capital district, funded by makes it difficult for PWDs to vote given the AusAID’s electoral support program to enable people long queues and time waiting for their call to with disabilities to vote freely at a polling booth, vote. [...] Moreover, in the following elections in 2017 and 2022, marginialised groups including • Limited funding: The government seems to PWDs and women were given separate queues to have no funding to care for PWDs in provincial vote. [...] The stereotype mentality of available to support and strengthen the work people towards PWDs continues to be a threat of non-government organisations and Civil to the rights of PWDs to vote. [...] Ways to promote the inclusion of PWDs’ participation in voting Conclusion In order to achieve the shared vision of the National People with disability have equal rights to participate in Policy on Disability 2015-2025, collaborative efforts voting. [...] The government must address the constraints are needed by the government and stakeholders such to promote equality and the rights of people living as: with disabilities.
Published in
Papua New Guinea

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