cover image: Latinx workers—particularly women—face devastating job losses in the COVID-19 recession


Latinx workers—particularly women—face devastating job losses in the COVID-19 recession

On average, Latinx workers have suffered greater economic distress than their white counterparts since COVID-19 began spreading. These outcomes have been driven by the fact that Latinx workers already had lower pre-pandemic wages, income, and wealth, as well as less access to health care and other important job-related benefits. This lower pre-pandemic level of economic security was in turn driven by a host of factors—including a bigoted immigration regime that has aimed to keep Latinx immigrant workers disempowered in the workplace. As the pandemic has spread, another symptom of this labor market disempowerment—inadequate workplace safety—has loomed particularly large
coronavirus health poverty women unemployment paid sick leave wages, incomes, and wealth latinx americans


Elise Gould, Daniel Perez, Valerie Wilson

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