cover image: 00 — Part 00 — Page 1-4 — @Liberty — Issue 31 (03.04.2017).indd


00 — Part 00 — Page 1-4 — @Liberty — Issue 31 (03.04.2017).indd

00 — Part 00 — Page 1-4 — @Liberty — Issue 31 (03.04.2017).indd @LIBERTY The policy bulletin of the IRR No 2/2017 I April 2017 I Issue 31 EED IS FOR REAL EMPOWERMENT, whereas BEE has failed ANTHEA JEFFERY Published by the South African Institute of Race Relations 2 Clamart Road, Richmond Johannesburg, 2092 South Africa P O Box 291722, Melville, Johannesburg, 2109 South Africa Telephone: (011) 482–. [...] Otherwise no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. [...] While the IRR makes all reasonable efforts to publish accurate information and bona fi de expression of opinion, it does not give any warranties as to the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. [...] The use of such information by any party shall be entirely at such party’s own risk and the IRR accepts no liability arising out of such use. [...] Cover design by InkDesign Photograph: David Harrison, Mail & Guardian Typesetter: Martin Matsokotere April 2017 @Liberty, the IRR’s policy bulletin No 2/2017 / April 2017 / Issue 31 EED IS FOR REAL EMPOWERMENT, whereas BEE has failed 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SYNOPSIS.
Published in
Johannesburg, South Africa
