cover image: The CriTerion RepoRT - noun

The CriTerion RepoRT - noun

Thus, all this survey can tell you is the nature of the electoral market in the week preceding the election, and suggest where some of the trend lines are headed, with four days to go until the election. [...] Current Affairs Background: The IRR May Tracking Poll came out of the field on the day the DA held its final rally, and the day before the ANC and the EFF held theirs. [...] Story of the Week: For the first half of the week, the ANC managed effectively to squeeze the EFF. [...] EMBARGOED AGAINST DELIVERY 16 Story of the Week Support for the DA in the Western Cape increased dramatically over the course of the week, from 54% on a 76.0% turnout on Saturday, to 62% on Wednesday, a level it maintained until Friday, when it dropped to 57% on a 71.7% turnout. [...] Story of the Week Support for the ANC systematically declined over the course of the week, before a slight uptick on the final day, suggesting it may be able to push over the 50% mark in the final few days of the election.
Published in
Johannesburg, South Africa