cover image: Australian Information Industry Association  Submission to

Australian Information Industry Association Submission to

9 Jul 2024

Australian Information Industry Association Submission to the Inquiry into the understanding and utilisation of benefits under Free Trade Agreements 12 July 2024 Introduction The Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) thanks the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth for the opportunity to respond to its consultation on the understanding and utilisation of benefits ava. [...] Accurate figures across the range of exported technological and digital goods and services is difficult to estimate and does not reflect those goods and services that are captured or embodied in the production and delivery of other goods and services (for example the use of AI aided design in an end product). [...] For example, the new ASDEA upgraded the digital trade arrangements between Australia and Singapore under the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and SAFTA. [...] Additionally, the innovation stream of the Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot (IECSEP) built into AUKFTA provides new opportunities for skilled and innovative UK citizens to live and work in Australia and may encourage the inflow of a skilled and innovative workforce. [...] Conclusion The AIIA thanks the Committee for the opportunity to share the tech industry insights and assessment on the understanding and utilisation of benefits available to Australian industry and communities under Free Trade Agreements.


Siew Lee Seow

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