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IS Essentials FAQs

26 Jun 2024

Q: How is the IS Essentials tool reduced in scale and complexity compared to the ISC’s larger project tool? A: IS Essentials is reduced in complexity through reducing the number of credits required to be undertaken and reducing the requirements within each credit. [...] Q: What elements of the Rating are digitalised? A: IS Essentials is the first IS rating tool to use ISC’s new IS Ratings Portal. [...] As with all IS rating tools, the effort depends on several factors including the number of credits and levels being targeted by the project, the processes and policies already in place, and the experience level of the team. [...] Q: Who should be registering the project, the proponent or the project? 3 A: Either a project proponent or the project designer/contractor may register the project for the IS Essentials. [...] Q: How does the verification process work? A: The IS Essentials verification process is similar to the verification process for the v1.2 and v2.1 of the IS Design & As Built Rating tool, with a third-party verifier utilized.


Monique Isenheim

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