cover image: SEAMEO SEARCA - Annual Report FY 2020/2021

SEAMEO SEARCA - Annual Report FY 2020/2021

17 May 2024

The project aims to strengthen the capacity Policies on Family Farming in Asia and the Pacific, a of the targeted AMS to develop policies and programs collaboration with IFAD and the Food and Agriculture supporting the adjustment of the smallholder farm Organization of the United Nations (FAO). [...] As SEARCA sector to changes in sub-regional agricultural and food commits to accelerate transformation to elevate markets and enhance the cooperation among the AMS the quality of life of agricultural families, the Center in food security and agricultural development (through embarked on the analysis of selected public policies the preparation of strategic programs and measures in in the Philippine. [...] this, two regional knowledge sharing workshops were The former aims to support the development of the conducted with ASEAN member states to discuss and program for the coconut growing areas in the Province level-off on the applications, trends, and development of Quezon, starting with the conduct of scoping of digital technologies and to gather their inputs on the activities to ensure that initiat. [...] emerging innovation for growth and development, or SEARCA aims to lead in the development and implement the establishment of the Halal Science and Technology value-driven and innovative programs and projects on (S&T) Knowledge Center for Southeast Asia in the ARD in Southeast Asia. [...] The Agricultural Transformation and Market Integration in the ASEAN Region: Responding FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY to Food Security and Inclusiveness Concerns (ATMI) ENSURING WELL-BEING IN AN likewise aims to enhance the cooperation among the EVOLVING LIFESTYLE AMS in food security and agricultural development through strengthening the capacity of the targeted AMS to develop policies and programs.
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