cover image: Advancing Australia's National Anti Racism F+E Con 2024 Video Framework.m4a

Advancing Australia's National Anti Racism F+E Con 2024 Video Framework.m4a

16 Jul 2024

And on that issue of data and racial literacy and collection of data, that's something we'll come back to because that is one of the things that we're focusing on in the National Anti-Racism Framework. [...] [ 00:28:33 ] And I think over the past few years, for a lot of people who have been watching me on the media and also in the community, it's been a very deliberate decision to kind of stop talking about or worrying about racism in general and try to look at what needs to be done. [...] [ 00:29:56 ] And for me personally, what hits the most are the comments made by people in positions of power and authority, and the behavior of the people in leadership roles. [...] But I think it is necessary if we are going to change the hearts and minds and build and broaden the base of support for anti-racist interventions and make our societies resilient to the temptations of racism that are rupturing other countries, rupturing other countries. [...] Think of the weight of that burden to ask those who have been the subject of racism to prioritize the comfort of those complicit in the discrimination.



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