cover image: Keeping It Real F+E Con 2024 Video.m4a

Keeping It Real F+E Con 2024 Video.m4a

16 Jul 2024

The PJC have provided a range of recommendations that go to increasing accountability, and I acknowledge Kylie's role in that, including measures to monitor progress on human rights, that human rights are considered in the development of legislation and policies and are appropriately addressed and are considered in the development of legislation and policies. [...] [ 00:12:54 ] And I think all of us appreciate the fact that breaches of human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples over years, over decades, and in fact, the life of the nation and previous, you know, the life of the nation and previous, you know, the life of the nation and previous, you know, does occur. [...] And the Human Rights Charter in Victoria, despite all the kerfuffle about it at the time that the sky was going to fall in and, you know, it would take away power from elected politicians and hand it to unelected judges and it would be a criminal's charter, all that sort of stuff, there's been changes of government since and the Human Rights Charter in Victoria, I'm pleased to say, is a permanent. [...] And the message I would send to the federal government, now that it has the report and it has the roadmap and it has the experience of other jurisdictions that have a charter, the scene has been set. [...] [ 01:05:11 ] And I'll say one more thing about bureaucrats, is that it used to be when I was working in the Commonwealth Government and even when I was working in the Queensland Government that we were there to serve the public, in terms of helping the politicians to know what it is the public wants and how they want to handle that.



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