cover image: Welcome + Opening Remarks F+E Con 2024 Video.m4a

Welcome + Opening Remarks F+E Con 2024 Video.m4a

16 Jul 2024

Now, if the line was too long and you weren't able to check in officially, then please go back during the break and get that badge, because it has the breakout sessions that you've chosen and the QR code that you can download the program. [...] There is a remarkably high level of consensus in the findings of these two reports, and the great response of the in the report from the Disability Royal Commission. [...] I ask you to join me in engaging throughout the day, asking them to integrate into your experiences and humbly share those with respect, and in an inclusive [ 00:20:23 ] manner and through active listening and let us remember why we do this it's for our children and for our children's children these are the generations I spoke of in launching the national conversation in framing it this way I refe. [...] [ 00:22:42 ] Over the past five years, the Australian Human Rights Commission, through its Free and Equal project, has undertaken crucial and inspiring work to push human rights to the top of the political and social agenda. [...] And we are all experiencing the catastrophic consequences of the lack of action on climate change, which poses a direct and existential threat to the survival of humanity.



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