cover image: Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021 - Australian Human Rights Commission

Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021 - Australian Human Rights Commission

28 Jun 2024

The screenshotting and sharing of these images, and the identification of children in contact with the law can perpetuate harm and reduce a child’s prospects of community reintegration.4 It also contravenes their right to privacy at all stages of proceedings under art 40 of the CRC. [...] 5 Australian Human Rights Commission Review of the Online Safety Act 2021, 28 June 2024 Recommendation 1: The Office of the eSafety Commissioner consider the full spectrum of child rights, including children’s right to privacy and protection, in considering its role and powers to address the posting of material promoting criminal activity. [...] This code could be modelled on the UK Age Appropriate Design Code, which places the best interests of the child as a primary consideration in the design and development of online services that children are likely to access.25 The views of children should be sought and taken into account in the development of this Code. [...] This project will involve a scoping review and diagnostics seeking to understand the threat of misinformation and disinformation to human rights in Australia and the potential role of the Commission, as the national human rights institution, to support efforts to combat it. [...] Given the rapid nature of the development of these technologies, the law and appropriate support systems are failing to keep up.79 Support workers in family, domestic and sexual violence organisations often struggle to respond to technology-facilitated violence and protect the safety of victim- survivors, and this may partly be due to a lack of technical knowledge.80 9.1 Human Rights Concerns 97.


Graeme Edgerton

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