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24 Jul 2024

area establishment percentage (wet, dry, sanitary and domestic hazardous wastes)                                                                         MEANS OF                                                          VERIFICATION                                    DOCUMENTS                                                                                   Designated Signatory Signature and stamp. [...] name frequency establishment establishment establishment provided                             (daily/ covers handover by LGAs or                             alternate under daily waste in authorized                             day/ 4-5 collection segregated waste                             times a manner pickers                             week/2-3 (Yes/No)                             times a    . [...] Lattitude, sanitary/ non-functional of of the (centralized authorized capacity Name location 5 Lattitude and Longitute No Longitude domestic /under plant plant /decentra- service (TPD) hazardous/ contsruction / lized) provider) biomedical/ planned) C&D/e- waste)                                                                                                                                          . [...] What method they have adopted         identified wet waste processing generation No (composting/biogas)         BWG (Yes/No) (Tonne)                                                                                                                                                                                     Designated Signatory           Signature and stamp of (Signatures/Stamps of           t. [...] stakeholder segregation/ of male of female of the stakeholders Photo           No engaged processing stakeholders stakeholders event participated with and disposal/ participated participated           dumpsite           remediation)                                                                                                                                                                        .
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