cover image: doi: 10.20991/allazimuth.1455442 All Azimuth V13, N2, 2024, 166-192

doi: 10.20991/allazimuth.1455442 All Azimuth V13, N2, 2024, 166-192

12 Jul 2024

Kasawari Gas Explorations and the Amplification of Malaysia’s South China Sea Dilemma The focal point of contention between Malaysia and China in the South China Sea in recent years undeniably revolves around Malaysia’s controlled Kasawari gas field near the Luconia Shoals. [...] The West Capella, having operated in the ND4 (see Figure 4), faced high-risk intimidation due to the near-constant presence of the CCG 5203 and 5305, which aimed to disrupt the oil and gas operations in the Luconia Shoals.60 Consequently, similar to Malaysia’s past stance in responding to crises at sea, Malaysian officials deployed the KD Jebat to guard the West Capella and other supply ships at s. [...] Within Malaysia’s maritime diplomacy framework, the paramount emphasis is directed to the multiple facets of maritime affairs, intertwining elements of commerce and the military within Malaysia’s territorial waters.73 Particularly relevant to the South China Sea disputes is the expanding spectre of state-driven threats embraced by the claimants and non-claimants, exerting influence that could dest. [...] Meanwhile, since 2004, the MMEA has been legislatively designated as the principal federal agency responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the country’s maritime jurisdictional zones.74 Consequently, delving into the nuances of Malaysia’s international interactions in the context of the maritime domain necessitates a rigorous examination of the actions and policies practiced by the RMN. [...] Instead, it could be a result of the close proximity of the locations of James Shoal and the Luconia Shoals to the mainland of Sarawak, necessitating the operation of naval vessels by Malaysian authorities.80 In addition, the patrolling and surveillance capabilities of the MMEA are still limited, possibly due to its lack of facilities, human resources, and assets.81 In essence, while it is evident.
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