cover image: Literature review - A review of First Nations led approaches to addressing Domestic Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV)

Literature review - A review of First Nations led approaches to addressing Domestic Family and Sexual Violence (DFSV)

18 Jul 2024

Therefore, a holistic approach that addresses ticularly within First Nations communities where such violence the broad drivers of violence - social and economic disadvantage is shaped and compounded by the economic and social injus- and their impacts on the health and wellbeing of First Nations tices of colonisation and racism. [...] self-determination and empowerment, fosters hope and opti- mism, supports community-led initiatives and solutions, address- A recent report that maps current investment and activity to pre- es systemic inequalities and barriers and celebrates and preserves vent and respond to DFSV in the NT makes several important cultural heritage (Fogerty et al. [...] The legacy of historical injustices, coupled with people, including sistergirls and brotherboys, resulting in poor ongoing experiences of discrimination and marginalisation, has social and emotional wellbeing and barriers to service provision created a cycle of trauma and violence that reverberates through and support (Soldatic et al. [...] also acknowledge and seek to address other social and cultural Also essential to a comprehensive approach to cultural safety and determinants of DFSV which include the ease of access to violent healing is considering factors of intersectionality and their im- pornography, gambling, and the misuse of alcohol and other sub- pacts on DFSV within Indigenous communities. [...] are key to supporting men to critically reflect on how, when and The young men were described by facilitators as ‘traumatised by why they use violence towards strengthening the personal, rela- racism, poverty and disenfranchisement’ and as coming to the tional and community resources that can prevent this violence program with ‘low self-esteem and feelings of shame and anger’.
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