cover image: REVISITING THE PRIORITIES - An Analysis of Union Budget 2024-25 - JULY 2024

REVISITING THE PRIORITIES - An Analysis of Union Budget 2024-25 - JULY 2024

26 Jul 2024

However, given the nuanced socio-economic realies of working women, the nature of formal and informal work in the country, and the urgency of increasing female labour force parcipaon rate, there needs to be more measures to address the gaps that leave women out of the workforce, and thus impact the overall economic picture. [...] The Priority of Social Sectors This Union Budget 2024-25 is the fourth budget aer the rollout of the Naonal Educaon Policy (NEP), 2020 where the educaon sector has received Rs 120628 crore; same as the allocaon in the interim budget 2024-25. [...] The budget allocaon for the Department of Rural Development (DoRD) remains the same as announced in the Interim Budget (2024-25), though it witnessed a 12 per cent hike in the budgetary allocaon to the Department of Rural Development (DoRD) from the previous year. [...] With enhancing producvity and resilience in agriculture as one of the top priories, Union Budget 2024-25 allocated Rs 1.4 lakh crore for Agriculture and Allied Sectors (AAS) where AAS only includes budgets for the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, the Department of Agricultural Research and Educaon, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, and the Department of Fisheries of th. [...] Following the implementaon of GST and the establishment of the GST Council, the Union government commied to compensang States for revenue losses resulng from the transion to the new tax regime for the first five years.



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