cover image: Environmental and Social Assessment (ESIA) UpdateMay2024 Uganda: Roads and Bridges in the Refugee Hosting Districts/Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Corridor Project (P171339) (English)


Environmental and Social Assessment (ESIA) UpdateMay2024 Uganda: Roads and Bridges in the Refugee Hosting Districts/Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Corridor Project (P171339) (English)

19 Jul 2024

climate change uganda mitigation disaster risk management adaptation gender public transport urban development rural development disaster preparedness job creation road safety private sector development social development and protection jobs fragility forced displacement conflict and violence urban and rural development human development and gender rural and inter-urban roads rural infrastructure and service delivery urban infrastructure and service delivery public administration - transportation eastern and southern africa environment and natural resource management


Borrowing Agency

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Environmental and Social Assessment (ESIA) UpdateMay2024 Uganda: Roads and Bridges in the Refugee Hosting Districts/Koboko-Yumbe-Moyo Road Corridor Project (P171339)
Lending Instrument
Investment Project Financing
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
UG-Uganda: Roads And Bridges In The Refugee Hosting Districts/Kobo -- P171339
TF No/Name
TF0B4210-BIGRS Safety Assessments in Uganda,TF0B9170-Uganda: Support for Development of a Road Maintenance Policy
Unit Owning
Transport-East Africa (IAET1)
Version Type

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