cover image: Issue-Based Politics vs Personality-Based Politics A Tale of Two Nations


Issue-Based Politics vs Personality-Based Politics A Tale of Two Nations

1 Jan 2015

The question of whether the South African and American political environments have been dominated mostly by personality-based politics as opposed to issue-based politics is important to address. The argument in this paper is that although there is not a cold separation between personalities and issues, in the case of South Africa, while issues have largely defined politics, there has also been a great focus on personality-based politics. As for the United States of America (US), issues are primarily prioritised to the extent that there is a powerful personality to champion the issue. While the two countries have different experiences, they offer lessons to learn from each other.
south africa democracy usa obama administration political development personality based politics issue based politics zuma administration


Janelle Mangwanda, Beatriz Lacombe

Published in
South Africa

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