cover image: Information for a Developmental Approach to Mitigation : Linking sectoral and Economy Wide Models for Brazil, Chile and Colombia, Peru and South Africa


Information for a Developmental Approach to Mitigation : Linking sectoral and Economy Wide Models for Brazil, Chile and Colombia, Peru and South Africa

1 Sep 2014

In this paper, the central methodological challenge addressed is that of linking detailed models of sectors with economy wide models. Combining the two approaches holds promise of addressing short and long term technological change as well as economy wide interactions; and direct costs and emissions reductions as well as the broader socio economic implications. The main findings from five research teams were brought together in this research report – COPPE in Brazil, UniAndes-DNP in Colombia, Ch-­PUC in Chile, Instituto de Investigación de la Amazonía Peruana in Peru and the Energy Research Centre in South Africa. In developing countries, the policy-makers are concerned with charting the development paths of their economy and society. Providing information on the potential socio-economic benefits of a transition to a low-carbon society requires improved tools to deliver good information for decision-making.
colombia south africa brazil greenhouse gases chile south america carbon sequestration renewable energy sources carbon pricing mitigation actions socio-economic development emission reductions


Harald Winkler, Ricardo Delgado, Rodrigo Palma-Behnke, Amaro Pereira, Alfred Moyo, William Wills

Published in
South Africa

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