cover image: Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, Vol. 44, No. 1: 108–128 - Socio-economic Challenges Deterring Sustainable Pastoralism Among Women Pastoralists


Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania, Vol. 44, No. 1: 108–128 - Socio-economic Challenges Deterring Sustainable Pastoralism Among Women Pastoralists

15 Jul 2024

Pastoralism is the aspect of agriculture that entails the raising of livestock by pastoralists for the economic value of their products (Djordjević- * Department of Geography & Regional Planning, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria, and Centre for Population and Environmental Development: § Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Federal University of Kashe. [...] The results indicate that the more the instances of non-participation of women in household-owned livestock raising, the less their socio-economic capacity (income) for sustainable pastoralism (r = -0.08). [...] According to Sen (1997), assets provide the basis of agency, or the “… power to act, to reproduce, challenge or change the rules that govern the control, use and transformation of resources.” The length of time or years of awareness of observed climate change, (e), emerged as the fifth significant predictor of the socio-economic status of female pastoralists, having a standardized coefficient (β). [...] The results indicate that the more the instances of non-availability of household transportation means, the less the women’s socio-economic capacity for sustainable pastoralism (r = -0.072). [...] The findings from the synthesis of the literature and fieldwork indicate factors that can enhance sustainable pastoralism among women to include their experience in pastoralism, level of formal education, ownership of large livestock, period of awareness of climate change, number of out-of-school children in their households, availability of means of transportation for a household, quality of heal.


Daniel Sabai

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