cover image: IFRS ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AT A GLANCE - As at 30 June 2024 (including IFRS 18 and IFRS 19)

IFRS ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AT A GLANCE - As at 30 June 2024 (including IFRS 18 and IFRS 19)

1 Aug 2024

settled in cash or by issuing equity instruments, Re-measure the fair value of remeasured goods or receives the service the entity has granted a compound instrument (a the liability at each reporting The entity receiving the goods or services The grant date fair value is If the fair value of the goods or cash-settled component and an equity-settled date and at the date of recognises them. [...] An investee where the majority of the governing body or key Consolidation of an investee begins from the date the management personal are the same as that of the investor LOSS OF CONTROL investor obtains control of the investee and ceases A party with a close business relationship with the investor. [...] A parent presents non-controlling interests in the consolidated DISCLOSURE statement of financial position within equity, separately from the Subsidiary constitutes a business Subsidiary does not constitute a business equity of the owners of the parent Recognition of the gain or loss Recognition of the gain or loss in profit or loss to the extent of the unrelated investors Refer to IFRS 12 . [...] (iv) The consequences of changes in ownership the subsidiary during the reporting period The nature and extent to which protective rights of If financial (or other) support has been provided to a interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of Accumulated NCI of the subsidiary at the end of the previously unconsolidated structured entity that control reporting period access or use the a. [...] the joint arrangement or associate The nature and extent of any significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to the entity in The proportion of ownership interest or participating share held by the entity and, if different, the proportion of voting rights held the form of cash dividends, or to repay loans or advances made by the entity (if applicabl.


Kajori Chakraborty

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