cover image: Inquiries into ILO Convention No. 187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health and


Inquiries into ILO Convention No. 187: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health and

2 Jun 2024

Fundamental principles and rights at work The ACTU is the representative of Australian workers at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and is proud to have voted in favour of including ‘a safe and healthy working environment’ in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work at the 110th session of the International Labour Conference in 2022. [...] 191) – where Convention 191 gives effect to the elevation of a safe and healthy working environment to a fundamental principle and right at work, and Convention 187 is one of the two Conventions that elaborates this new fundamental principle and right at work – this submission considers the two Conventions together. [...] The ACTU supports ratification of Conventions 187 and 191 The Australian Council of Trade Unions supports the ratification of ILO Conventions 187 and 191 and congratulates the Australian Government for its commitment to the implementation of International Labour Standards to protect the rights of workers and promote a safe and healthy working environment. [...] The aim of the Convention is for ILO Members to establish and implement national policies, systems and programmes, in consultation with workers’ and employers’ organisations, to promote a safe and healthy working environment and advance the right of workers to such an environment. [...] 190) as follows: • Article 1 (3) of the Convention provides for the words ‘a safe and healthy working environment’ to be added as a new subparagraph (e) of Article III of the MLC • Article 1 (3) of the Convention provides for the words ‘a safe and healthy working environment’ be added to Article 5 of Convention 190 to the list of fundamental principles and rights at work ILO Members are required t.


Clare Middlemas

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