Fagerheim White, Ellen-Louisa, Honkatukia, Mervi, Peippo, Jaana, Kjetså, Maria
- 978-91-986029-9-9 (electronic)
- Pages
- 107
- Published in
- Denmark
- urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-13255
- Year
- 2024
Table of Contents
- 4 Foreword 2
- 5 1. Introduction 2
- 9 2. Methods 2
- 59 4. Nordic native horse breed genetics 2
- 66 5. Conclusions 3
- 69 6. Bibliography and contact persons 3
- 94 Appendix 3
- 107 About this publication 3
- Foreword 4
- 1. Introduction 5
- 1.1 The role of horses in the Nodic society over time 5
- 1.2 The Nordic native breeds 6
- 1.3 Population statistics 7
- 1.4 Understanding genetics 7
- 1.5 The equine sectors contribution to economic growth 8
- 2. Methods 9
- 2.1 The Domestic Animal Diversity Information System DAD-IS database 9
- 2.2 Questionnaire 10
- 2.3 Scientific literature and breed stories 10
- 3.1 Denmark 12
- Background 12
- Organization and registration of horse breeding in Denmark 12
- Population statistics 13
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 16
- Economy 16
- Native breeds and conservation programs 16
- Gene banking activities 17
- Subsidies 17
- 3.2 The Faroe Islands 18
- Background 18
- Organization and registration of horse breeding in the Faroe Islands 19
- Population Statistics 20
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 22
- Economy 23
- Native breeds and conservation programs 23
- Gene banking activities 24
- Subsidies 24
- 3.3 Finland 25
- Background 25
- Organization and registration of horse breeding in Finland 25
- Population Statistics 26
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 28
- Economy 28
- Native breeds and conservation programs 29
- Gene banking activities 29
- Subsidies 30
- 3.4 Iceland 31
- Background 31
- Organization and registration of horse breeding in the Nordic countries 31
- Population statistics 32
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 34
- Economy 34
- Native breeds and conservation programs 34
- Gene banking activities 34
- Subsidies 34
- 3.5 Norway 35
- Background 35
- Organization and registration of horse breeding in Norway 35
- Population statistics 36
- Breed statistics for the native breeds data discrepancies between DAD-IS and national reports 37
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 47
- Economy 47
- Native breeds and conservation programs 47
- Gene banking activities 48
- Subsidies 48
- 3.6. Sweden 49
- Background 49
- Organisation and registration of horse breeding in Sweden 50
- Population statistics 50
- Breed statistics for the native breeds data discrepancies DAD-IS reporting 52
- Commercial horse and breeding activities 57
- Economy 57
- Native breeds and conservation programs 57
- Gene banking activities 58
- Subsidies 58
- 4. Nordic native horse breed genetics 59
- 4.1 Origin and relatives 59
- 4.2 Transboundary breeding 61
- 4.3 Genetic diversity 61
- 4.4 Genetic makeup and consequences of domestication 63
- 4.5 Genetics of the Nordic native breeds 64
- 5. Conclusions 66
- The role of horses in the Nordic society has changed over time 66
- The Nordic native breeds are in need of conservation efforts 66
- Statistical information concerning the equine sector is insufficient 67
- There is a lack of systematic gene banking of native horse breeds 67
- We need to understand genetics to make informed breeding decisions 67
- The equine sector positively contributes to economic growth 68
- Conservation of the native breeds is dependent on private owners and voluntary work 68
- There is hope for the future 68
- 6. Bibliography and contact persons 69
- 6.1 NordGen breed stories 69
- Published stories 69
- Breed stories in preparation 69
- 6.2 Country reports 70
- Denmark 70
- Contact persons 70
- Bibliography 70
- The Faroe Islands 72
- Contact persons 72
- Bibliography 72
- Finland 73
- Contact persons 73
- Bibliography 73
- Iceland 78
- Contact persons 78
- Bibliography 78
- Norway 80
- Contact persons 80
- Bibliography 80
- Sweden 86
- Contact persons 86
- Bibliography 86
- 6.3 Nordic native horse breed genetics 91
- Appendix 94
- A.1 Description of the Nordic Native horse breeds 94
- Denmark 94
- The Jutland horse Den Jydske Hest 94
- The Frederiksborg horse Frederiksborg hest 94
- The Knabstrupper horse Knabstrupperhesten 95
- Faroe Islands 97
- The Faroese horse Føroysk ross 97
- Finland 98
- The Finnhorse Suomenhevonen 98
- Iceland 99
- The Icelandic horse íslenski hesturinn 99
- Norway 100
- Norwegian Fjord horse Norsk Fjordhest 100
- The Dole horse Dølahest 100
- The Nordland Lyngen horse Nordlandshest Lyngenhest 101
- The Norwegian Coldblooded trotter Norsk kaldblodstraver 101
- Sweden 102
- The Gotland pony Gotlandsruss 102
- The Swedish Coldblooded trotter Kallblodstravare 102
- The North Swedish horse Nordsvensk brukhäst 103
- The Swedish Ardennes Svensk Ardenner 104
- A.2 Questionnaire 105
- About this publication 107
- Equines in the Nordics History status and genetics 107
- NordGen 107