The economic reforms under way and the economic & institutional reforms on the agenda for the next few years, will sustain growth of per capita GDP at 7% during the decade of 2020s, to make India the third largest economy in the World in a few years. [...] We envision an India in 2050 in which the original vision of human equality embodied in the fundamental structure of the constitution is restored, the laws reflect the fundamental right to equality and the governance institutions are reformed to reduce the gap between the laws and their implementation. [...] The decline in the real PFCE/GDP ratio has also stopped after the global financial crisis, with the ratio in the process of stabilising after the balance sheet crisis (which culminated in NBFC defaults in 2019) and the series of subsequent shocks. [...] These shocks cause distress to the directly affected population; farmers & farm workers in the case of drought & El Nino, the urban population (including migrants) in the case of pandemic and the entire non-farm economy in the case of oil price rise & lockdown. [...] India can become a hub for the Indian Ocean region, with a web of logistics companies, shipping services, air lines and internet cables linking all the countries on the shores of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf and the islands of the Indian Ocean.
- Pages
- 109
- Published in
- India
Table of Contents
- Table of Contents 3
- Figures 5
- 1. Introduction 7
- 2. Equality of Opportunity 8
- 3. Global Trends 11
- Share in World Manufactured exports 16
- 4. Economy Growth Structure 21
- 5. Knowledge Economy Empowering Growth Drivers 42
- Worker-population ratiowpr age 15 USpersons 49
- CWSall 49
- Indias Labour Force Participation Rate LFPR 50
- 6. Governance Public Welfare 60
- 7. Digital Economy Expert System AI 69
- 8. Green Economy 72
- 9. India as a Civilizational Power 76
- 10. Policy Vision Unshackling Job Creators 81
- Simple Average Tariff rates Manufactures 86
- Country Name 2003 2011 2020 2003 2011 2020 86
- India 86
- 2.3 2.3 3.9 4 3 1 86
- Uzbekistan 86
- 1.2 2 86
- Timor-Leste 86
- 1.2 3 86
- United States 86
- 1.1 0.8 1.1 7 9 4 86
- Nauru 86
- 1.0 5 86
- Average 86
- 0.2 0.3 0.2 86
- Avg-primary 1.2 1.4 5.2 86
- Average-all 0.5 0.6 1.6 86
- Note rank 1 Worst ie highest nos of specific duties 86
- Rank 86
- Specific Tariff rates in manufacturing of tariff lines 86
- 11. Summary and Conclusion 102
- 12. References 107