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South Africa Economic Update : Enrollments in Tertiary Education Must Rise

1 Jan 2019

South Africa's much anticipated economic rebound in 2018 did not occur. While substantial efforts by the authorities to strengthen governance of public resources and stabilize the fiscal situation helped the economy to not contract further, economic growth remained tepid with a technical recession (two successive quarters of negative economic growth) in the first half of 2018. GDP growth is expected at below 1 percent in 2018, down from an already low 1.3 percent in 2017. A number of exogenous factors contributed to this poor growth performance. Domestically, climate variations such as a prolonged drought in the Western Cape where harvests were delayed exerted a huge toll on agricultural production. Externally, mounting trade tensions between the United States and China, and tightening global financial conditions contributed to slowing the pace of foreign financial inflows to South Africa while lessening the demand for its exports. Rising world oil prices also exerted strong pressure on the balance of payments and domestic prices, depressing private consumption. These negative developments, however, do not conceal the fact that South Africa~^!!^s growth challenge is deep-seated and largely structural. To grow faster and sustainably, the economy will need to be more inclusive, requiring the participation of a greater share of the population mainly through job creation. Furthermore, persistent inequality of income and of opportunity will continue to raise pressures for redistribution of limited resources that are drawn from a small tax base. Radical policy demands are more likely in a stagnant economy, fuel policy uncertainty and deter private investment. At the Presidential Jobs Summit and the South African Investment Conference held in October 2018 agreements were made on actions that are expected to enable job creation and to attract higher levels of investment, including interalia, education and skills interventions, and initiatives to reduce policy uncertainty on land reform, mining and black economic empowerment.
gross domestic product multilateral development bank quality of education human capital manufacturing oil price technical and vocational education household survey data current account deficit trade and investment policy uncertainty student financial aid tuition fee international good practice global economic prospect years of schooling small and medium size enterprise vulnerability to climate change risk sharing mechanisms engine of growth high unemployment rate labour relation quality of learning service and infrastructure investments in agriculture exchange rate volatility demand for education employability of graduate quality assurance mechanism fiscal and debt sustainability public financial resource labor market observatory private tertiary education institution changing nature of work labor market development south african rand exchange rate pass depreciation and amortization municipal capacity building political executive expenditure per student credible monetary policy


Dessus,Sebastien C., Hanusch,Marek, Nagashima,Yoko

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
South Africa Economic Update : Enrollments in Tertiary Education Must Rise
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
ZA-South Africa Programmatic Economic And Social Updates -- P161385
Series Name
South Africa Economic Update;no. 12
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Version Type
Volume No


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