HUMAN FLOURISHING ANd yOUtH eNteRpReNeURSHIp IN bHUtAN 4 introduction introduction In terms of the number of domains and indicators and the number of measurement items within the indicators, the GNH Index contains new dimensions and indicators which are not normally found in other wellbeing and happiness measurement systems. [...] The description of the GNH Index and the weighting scheme are covered under the GNH Index measurement and methods sub-section. [...] The choice of indicators for the construction of the youth GNH Index is largely determined by the availability of indicators that are comparable with the national GNH Index. [...] Therefore, the GNH Index is the sum of the headcount ratio (HH – proportion of happy) and the proportion of not-yet-happy (HU) times the average sufficiency (AUsuff) among not-yet-happy. [...] Besides presenting the GNH Index in the form of a mean score, another way of presenting the result of the GNH is to see the proportion of youths falling under different gradients of happiness.
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- Pages
- 123
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- Bhutan