cover image: Machine Learning-Enhanced Control System for Optimized Ceiling Fan and Air Conditioner Operation for Thermal Comfort

Machine Learning-Enhanced Control System for Optimized Ceiling Fan and Air Conditioner Operation for Thermal Comfort

16 Jul 2024

● If the predicted OT is higher than the extended_IMAC_upper for the highest fan speed setting, the fan is switched on at the highest speed to use its full potential and the AC is switched on with the highest set-point possible. [...] The 100% savings in the passive building can be attributed to the fact that due to the passive features, the indoor temperature generally remained within the comfort range. [...] The low energy consumption of the BLDC fans was not recorded in the passive building because of the least count display of the energy meters. [...] In this study, a control sequence was developed that employs the corrective power of ceiling fans to adjust the upper threshold of the adaptive thermal comfort band, taking into consideration the airspeed of the fan to raise the AC temperature set-point within the room. [...] The results of the testing reveal that 77% of the respondents reported feeling comfortable in the space when the fan-prioritized control sequence was employed, as opposed to only 69% for the constant setpoint of 24ºC.


Manis Konsam

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