cover image: Employment Placement Data of 1990-91 Occupational Graduates at Minnesota's Twin City Area Community Colleges. Metro Pilot Study Report #1.

Employment Placement Data of 1990-91 Occupational Graduates at Minnesota's Twin City Area Community Colleges. Metro Pilot Study Report #1.

In 1991, followup studies of the employment and educational status of 1990-1991 occupational program graduates were conducted by the seven community colleges in the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota: Anoka-Ramsey, Cambridge Center, Inver Hills, Lakewood, Minneapolis, North Hennepin, and Normandale. While the colleges used different questionnaire formats and follow-up procedures, each school provided outcomes data to the Community Colleges Systems Office using a standard form for classifying outcomes. The outcomes for the seven colleges included the following: (1) the overall response rate for the seven studies was 72%, with a high of 90% for North Hennepin, and a low of 44% for Cambridge Center; (2) over 96% of graduates were from Health, Public Service, and Business programs, with less than 4% coming from Communications, Technical, and Aviation programs; (3) Nursing accounted for over one-third of graduates, while law enforcement accounted for another one-sixth of graduates (4) 94% of the occupational program respondents were employed, with 80% employed in a job related to their education; (5) rates for employment in a field related to program of study were highest among graduates of health and technical programs; and (6) with respect to specific programs, Nursing had the highest job placement rate, at 96%, while the two public service programs, Law Enforcement and Legal Assistant, had the lowest rates, at 61% and 59%, respectively. Data tables providing placement rates and educational status of graduates by college and program are appended. (PAA)


Taylor, Kenneth E., Flermoen, Cynthia

Authorizing Institution
North Hennepin Community Coll., Minneapolis, Minn.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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