cover image: Human Performance Task Batteries and Models: An Abilities-Based Directory. Final Report.

Human Performance Task Batteries and Models: An Abilities-Based Directory. Final Report.

This directory represents the start of a research program directed towards the creation of a human abilities matrix which cross-references data on real world jobs, laboratory performance tasks, and human performance models. The matrix will use the "abilities requirements approach" as the unifying element among these three dimensions. The present effort compiles and cross-references information on computer-based performance assessment batteries and models/theories of human performance. Data from 10 batteries, 123 tasks, and 7 models have been included. For the performance batteries, this information includes availability/acquisition details as well as computer hardware and software characteristics. This document, then, enables researchers to quickly access such data as well as to ascertain those areas in which a paucity of data exists. In general, it appears that current computerized performance batteries emphasize measurement of those characteristics which are most readily measured by computer, without regard for the applicability of such measurement to enhancement of real-world tasks. In particular, a dearth of laboratory tasks with which to assess certain cognitive abilities was noted. This deficiency is regarded as particularly critical in light of the increased reliance on such abilities for performance on modern military and civilian jobs. Difficulties encountered and recommendations for future efforts are presented. (Author/RR)


Pond, Daniel J., And Others

Authorizing Institution
Florida Inst. of Tech., Melbourne.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs
Published in
United States of America
Naval Training Systems Center, Orlando, FL.

Table of Contents