cover image: Opportunity is Knocking: Will Education Open the Door? Carnegie Perspectives

Opportunity is Knocking: Will Education Open the Door? Carnegie Perspectives

This essay presents a discussion of how the tools and resources of open source education may demonstrably improve education quality. The main tenet of open education is to make educational assets freely available to the public. This is becoming easier and less expensive as network and multimedia technology evolves. Obstacles may stand in the way of using these and other powerful tools and resources in ways that will actually improve the quality of education. The author discusses the following: (1) although the tools and resources are readily available, transferring practical knowledge about how to use them is not easy; (2) ultimate success in open education requires a change in education culture and policy; and (3) looking beyond institutional boundaries and connecting efforts among many settings and open source entrepreneurs. Sharing educational tools and resources, and the wealth of teaching experience that comes from effectively using these assets, Iiyoshi anticipates three improvements over time: (1) increased quality of tools and resources; (2) more effective use; and (3) greater individual and collective pedagogical knowledge.


Iiyoshi, Toru

Authorizing Institution
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Menlo Park, CA.
Education Level
Higher Education
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Opinion Papers
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents