cover image: Online Mastery: A Certification Curriculum for Faculty.

Online Mastery: A Certification Curriculum for Faculty.

Faculty certification increases the chances that online instruction in higher education will successfully meet the needs of students. This paper introduces a new approach to designing a program of faculty certification for online instruction. This curriculum includes preparation in core competencies as well as in enabling and sustaining competencies. Core competencies include: selecting materials, activities and courses that are suited for online delivery; preparing content for online delivery; delivering instruction online; managing the online course; and assessing student learning in the online environment, providing praise, encouragement, and corrective feedback as needed. Enabling competencies include: selecting a computer system and or essential components; setting up a computer system and its components; creating a healthy workspace; acquiring ergonomically sound work habits; using input devices; using the operating system; mastering advanced features of the operating system; developing word processing and spread sheet competencies; using voice input; selecting and using ADA input and output options; and operating the electronic communication system in the college/university. Sustaining competencies include evaluating the effectiveness of the online course; and altering the online course when and where appropriate. The paper also proposes that the national and state departments of education as well as accreditation institutions establish certification standards that reflect the quality of preparation defined in the proposed program of certification or a comparable program. (AEF)


Rowe, Allen

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reports - Descriptive', 'Speeches/Meeting Papers']
Published in
United States of America

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