cover image: Developmental Status and Early Intervention Service Needs of Maltreated Children. Final Report

Developmental Status and Early Intervention Service Needs of Maltreated Children. Final Report

This report describes the extent to which maltreated children have developmental problems or are subject to factors associated with poor developmental outcomes, what services these children might be eligible to receive, what factors influence service receipt, and what solutions have been devised to address barriers to service provision. This final report presents findings from an analysis of the "National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study" (NEILS) and the "National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being" (NSCAW) to provide information about the developmental status and early intervention service needs of children under age three who are substantiated for maltreatment. The study found that: (1) children ages birth to 36 months who have been maltreated are at substantial risk of experiencing subsequent developmental problems; (2) compared to classification at the time of initial contact with Child Welfare Services, over time a higher proportion of children are described as having fewer risks or with a low score on a developmental measure while over time a smaller proportion of children are described as having more risks; (3) few infants and toddlers with substantiated cases of maltreatment are reported to have a diagnosed medical condition (an established risk condition) as described in IDEA (e.g., Down syndrome, blindness, cerebral palsy) that would make them automatically eligible for Part C services; (4) among children who have substantiated maltreatment, the proportion with a low score on a developmental measure does not differ markedly from those of children investigated but not found to have substantiated maltreatment; (5) maltreated children between 24 to 36 months of age have relatively high levels of behavior problems reported by their caregivers; (6) a sizeable proportion of infants and toddlers with substantiated maltreatment were reported to have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), reflecting eligibility for Part C services; (7) families are receiving parent training and family counseling services through Child Welfare Services or by referral. It is unclear the extent to which these services provide interventions focused on enhancing child development; (8) Part C providers may not be familiar with the unique challenges associated with providing services to maltreated children and their families; and (9) increased training and collaboration of Child Welfare and Part C service providers may be a useful approach to facilitate CAPTA compliance and enhance developmental outcomes for children. This study confirms that the level of risk for developmental delay is high for maltreated children and that it remains high, years after the initial maltreatment. (Contains 15 exhibits.)


Barth, Richard P., Scarborough, Anita A., Lloyd, E. Christopher, Losby, Jan L., Casanueva, Cecilia, Mann, Tammy

Authorizing Institution
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (DHHS)
Education Level
Early Childhood Education
Laws Policies and Programs
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents