cover image: The 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture: The Book of Abstracts

The 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture: The Book of Abstracts

The 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture has been hosted by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Burdur, Turkey), in cooperation with Çankaya University (Ankara, Turkey) and Süleyman Demirel University (Isparta, Turkey). Our main aim has been to provide a forum for discussion, to facilitate integration in these fields, and to bring together researchers, scholars, and students from all areas of language, literature, and culture from all around the word. The conference was held over three days, from 12 to 14 May (Thursday-Saturday) 2016 in Burdur, Turkey. The conference included more than 20 concurrent sessions in which there were invaluable presentations by both national and international presenters. This volume contains abstracts from speeches that were delivered at the conference. They are as follows: (1) Culture-sensitive language teaching in the era of multilingualism--Escaping the linguistic hegemony in multi-ethnic classrooms (Jaroslaw Krajka); (2) Harold Bloom's concern and "the touch" that always does wonders (Beture Memmedova); (3) "Coquetry is the salt and pepper of love:" A study of metaphor in American, Turkish and Mexican pop songs (Maria Cupery); (4) "Teaching Turkish to Foreigners" as a language policy (Recep Gülmez,Bilge Gülmez); (5) "The Patience Stone": An Afghan woman daring to disturb the universe built upon hegemonic masculinity ( Sema Zafer Sümer); (6) A critical examination of the EPOSTL: Focus on its probable use in Turkey (Arda Arikan); (7) A study of suffering and martyrdom in Islamic Ta'ziya and Christian passion plays (Ammar al-khafaji); (8) A stylistic approach to Brendan Behan's "The Hostage" (Yasemin Sanal); (9) An investigation of ELT student teachers' dictionary ownership and preferences (Mustafa Sevik); (10) Analysing the themes of "belongingness" and "homing desire" in the novel of "Fruit of the Lemon" by Andrea Levy (Canan Kuzgun, Sule Okuroglu Özün); (11) B1 level undergraduate EFL students' acceptance of Moodle technology (Ridvan Türkmen); (12) Black is Beautiful: Beauty as a Contextual Concept in "Blonde Roots" (Seda Bahar Yavçan); (13) Caryl Churchill and politics (Aydin Görmez); (14) Caught between Cultures: "Anita and Me" (Sule Okuroglu Özün); (15) Comparative study of persuasive strategies in selected American presidential speeches (Ahmad Zirak Ghazani); (16) Cultural nationalism as a solution for ethnolinguistic demands (Recep Gülmez); (17) Deep history and narrative: From "Gilgames" to science fiction (Adelheid Eubanks); (18) Derek Mahon: Emancipation from the darkness of history (Mümin Hakkioglu); (19) Developing individual language competences via task-based learning and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) (Astrid Ebenberger); (20) Development of time in children (Mehmet Özcan); (21) Dialogism as an aspect of language (Hind Ismail); (22) Drowning in amniotic fluid: Esther Greenwood and the postwar culture of womanhood in The Bell Jar (Özlem Asker); (23) Ecocriticism and creating environmental awareness in contemporary Turkish literature (Onur Kaya); (24) EFL students' feedback preferences in writing classes (Hasan Saglamel, Mustafa Naci Kayaoglu); (25) Exploring classroom assessment practices of English language instructors (Meryem Özdemir Yilmazer, Yonca Özkan); (26) Generation 1.5 ELL students and preparatory English classes: A comparison in writing strategies (Sarah Hubbard); (27) Giving feedback on written works through casting (Ramazan Özbay); (28) Gregor Samsa and the Forsterian model of characterisation (Baris Mete); (29) Hypocrite nationalistic discourse in James Joyce's "Ivy Day in the Committee Room" (Mehmet Akif Balkaya); (30) Is Eva younger sister of Anastasia? Comparative study of "Fifty Shades of Grey" and "Bared to You"(Hasan Serkan Kirca); (31) Justice or injustice in Shakespearean plays: Merchant of Venice and Measure for Measure (Fatma Yalvaç, Sule Okuroglu Özün); (32) Making more of multimedia based teaching materials by means of subtitling (Mustafa Sevik); (33) Metadiscourse markers in Nigerian newspapers editorials: A bond between Text-producers and reading community (Ahmed Mohammed Bedu); (34) Muriel Spark's Employment of Burlesque: Parody of detective fiction in "Not to Disturb" (Serkan Ertin); (35) Prospective teachers' views on using CALL in the EFL classroom: A case-study (Sedat Akayoglu); Anil Rakicioglu Söylemez; (36) Representation of gender in EFL textbooks for high schools: A linguistic analysis ( Özlem Kurtoglu Zorlu); (37) Representations of pain and old age in literature, art, and autobiography (Fatma Kalpakli); (38) Saying "no" in a thousand ways! Speech act realization of refusals (Çagla Bastürk, Helin Basak); (39) Social class in Elizabeth Gaskell's "Mary Barton" (Gizem Kaptan); (40) Sylvia Plath's "Journals"s correlation with the film "Sylvia" (Nevin Faden Gürbüz); (41) The predictive validity of foreign language examination for the academic performance of ELT students in Turkey (Ferit Kiliçkaya); (42) Task-based teaching and learning exemplified through project work: A case of the "Agent" project (Marek Krawiec); (43) Teaching survival English to young learners in a multilingual British classroom (Vildan Inci Kavak); (44) The empowerment of working-class femininity in Elizabeth Gaskell's "Industrial Novel North and South" (Enes Kavak); (45) The Hyperreal world of Coetzee's Foe (Mustafa Kirca); (46) The implipect of crystallization of the tongue in mastering of reciting the Holy Qur'an (Harun Al Rasyid); (47) Providing oral and visual feedback on learners' writing through screen casting software and learners' motivation: A case study (Ferit Kiliçkaya); (48) The magic toyshop as nucleus of desire: A Lacanian analysis (Serkan Ertin, Özlem Türe Abaci); (49) The Nomadic nationalist: An autobiographical reading of James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" (Alireza Hadi); (50) The pain of unbelonging in "Admiring Silence" (Abdulkadir ÜNAL); (51) The place of culture in ELT: Turkish EFL teachers' perceptions (Faruk Türker); (52) The place of mother tongue in the teaching of content courses through English-medium instruction (Ali Karakas); (53) The use of images instead of translation in foreign language teaching (Filiz Tokalak Baltaci); (54) Thought representation and misperceptions in Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" (Mustafa Zeki Çirakli); (55) Three generations three stories (Mehmet Özcan); (56) Two prophets of Idea: Bernard Shaw and Necip Fazil (Önder Çakirtas); (57) Undergraduate Jordanians improve their English speaking fluency through video chatting with undergraduate Americans (Basma Alsaleem); (58) Unfulfilled dreams in Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun" (Zeki Edis); and (59) Wedding invitation genre: Communicating sociocultural identities of Iraqi society (Nassier Al-Zubaidi).


Kiliçkaya, Ferit, Ed.

Education Level
['Higher Education', 'Postsecondary Education', 'High Schools', 'Secondary Education']
['Afghanistan', 'Iraq', 'Jordan', 'Nigeria', 'Turkey']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Speeches/Meeting Papers', 'Collected Works - Proceedings']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents